Restore Your Chimney With Our Assistance

Make use of our repointing services in Pelham, NH

Don't let your chimney crumble away on you. Keep it in excellent condition with repointing services from Over The Top Home Maintenance LLC. Repointing involves fixing up joints and places where the mortar has started to degrade. We can add years to your chimney with our repairs.

The topmost cement part of your chimney is called the crown, and it's usually the first thing to break. We can fix it or replace it. We can also repair the flashing that prevents chimney leaks.

Reach out to us in Pelham, NH now to ask about our repointing services.

Rebuild the brickwork around your chimney

Masonry can be tricky work. Make sure you hire a professional to take care of the repointing brick services you need. Gaps in your brick and mortar can allow moisture entry, leading to more problems with your chimney. We'll replace parts of your chimney that have started falling apart.

Let us know right away when you need repointing brick services in Pelham, NH.